BigChange Release Notes

Android 5.21.1

by BigChange

The JobWatch App for Android has been updated to 5.21.1 and is available now from the Android Store.

Please note, to download and use 5.21.1, you will need to be running Android 5 or later.

πŸ”„ Changed

  • Resources are able to see a thumbnail of an image of a photo question type, without having to open the question. (176747)

  • Improved UI on the "Register Your Device" page to provide support information more clearly (186684)

  • The component used for yes/no toggle has been updated when used in vehicle checks, custom fields and expenses on jobs. (183801, 194293, 194294)

🐞 Fixed

  • Messages sent from the device within the same minute are correctly ordered in the back office. (73737)

  • For worksheets that contain more questions than can be displayed on the screen without scrolling, applying default answers no longer causes the app to crash unexpectedly. (174537)

  • Text in the stock menu is correctly displayed in Greek. (174753)

  • Contact stock search displays the correct count when the results are 0. (174753)

  • Implemented a fix to prevent suspended jobs from being removed from the device in very rare circumstances. (203632)

  • Users are able to enter the same number of characters within a contact note as they can on the web. The remaining characters are displayed to the resource. (206440)

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iOS 6.16.1

by BigChange Limited

The JobWatch App for iOS has been updated to 6.16.1 and is available now from the Apple App Store.

Please note, to download and use 6.16.1, you will need to be running iOS 14 or later.

πŸ”„ Changed

  • Resources are able to see a thumbnail of an image of a photo question type, without having to open the question. (176747)

  • Improved UI on the "Register Your Device" page to provide support information more clearly (191215)

🐞 Fixed

  • Resources are no longer limited to 100 characters when creating a note. The limit imposed matches that of Android. (181542)

  • List based worksheet questions are correctly displayed. (210581)

  • Text input into question answers is correctly displayed when device is in portrait mode, and text entered is over a certain character limit. (213895)

  • Contact job history is no longer empty in specific scenarios. (197090)

  • Question text is no longer cut off for users running an old version of iOS. (199882)

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iOS 6.15

by BigChange

The JobWatch App for iOS has been updated to 6.15 and is available now from the Apple App Store.

Please note, to download and use 6.15, you will need to be running iOS 14 or later.

πŸ”„ Changed

  • We have improved the layout making it far more intuitive when resources create a job from the mobile application.

  • When completing a job, the available job results will be displayed in a list view, giving resources better visibility of available options and one less button press!

  • Pictures are now displayed as thumbnails when viewing job history, which can be enlarged by tapping on it.

🐞 Fixed

  • Manual mappings in automation are correctly formatted for jobs created by the mobile application. (139167)

  • Licence information available in settings has been updated to display correctly. (181711)

  • Email addresses with domains other than .com or are correctly saved. (184167)

  • Vehicle checks started when the device is offline yet completed when the device is online are correctly sent. (186601)

  • Timesheet text is limited to 250 characters to prevent app crashes. (190830)

  • Additional logging was implemented, in addition to improved document handling, in an attempt to prevent PDF files from becoming corrupt in rare circumstances when more than one file exists on the same job with the same name. (131656)

  • A job from a year ago now correctly displays on all jobs list, and open job list, but not on today’s list. (14995)

  • Fixed issue which could, in rare circumstances, cause submitted expenses not to be submitted. (157885)

  • Improved handling of images to ensure that photos are correctly uploaded in an area of poor Internet connection. (157887)

  • For resources that are not set up with a linked web user, the option to add a job flag is removed. (162370)

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Android 5.20

by BigChange

The JobWatch App for Android has been updated to 5.20 and is available now from the Android Store.

Please note, to download and use 5.20, you will need to be running Android 5 or later.

πŸ”„ Changed

  • Pictures are now displayed as thumbnails when viewing job history, which can be enlarged by tapping on it.

  • We have improved the layout making it far more intuitive when resources create a job from the mobile application.

🐞 Fixed

  • Contact details are correctly displayed on job details when primary person details are blank. (188599)

  • Vehicle checks using worksheets are sent to the server after completion, rather than after each question answer for improved performance. (190049)

  • Values are shown correctly in exceptional cases when consumables are used on equipment. (190816)

  • Old-style vehicle check ticksheets no longer cause a crash when completing against an asset whilst omitting the odometer reading. (184080)

  • Barcode scanner correctly populates search item fields. (184328)

  • Signature is no longer removed when the device screen is rotated. (184350)

  • Stock custom fields remain visible after the device screen is rotated. (184356)

  • Worksheet list-based questions with exceptionally large amounts of text are correctly displayed. (187396)

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