Release 23.05.1

23.05.1 is a point release and includes the following fixes. Users will see these changes added to their system from 24th July onwards.

🐞 Fixed

  • Users can add a group recurrence to a completed job within a group. (184352)

  • Users who have their language set to French will have contract keywords correctly replaced when generating invoices. (205000)

  • Inoperable options displayed on the map view from the schedule have been removed. (217318)

  • Sent All UI has been updated to state when a filter has been applied clearly. (221648)

  • Rating table line items correctly show dates where the description contains the column value keyword related to a date. (222488)

  • mailto: links function correctly in newly created knowledgebase articles. (225207)

  • Parent contact correctly displays (where populated) on the Job Group Financials report. (225648)

  • An error is no longer displayed when users try to view historic jobs on a contact via the JobWatch app, which contains a worksheet question that has since been deleted. (227739)

  • All tracking points received from the tracker are correctly displayed on the map. (229612)