Release 23.06.1

23.06.1 is a point release and includes the following bug fixes.

Users will see these changes added to their system from 19th September onwards.

🐞 Fixed

  • Only supported photo file types are displayed when uploading a vehicle defect image via the back office. (139194)

  • Spaces in phone numbers are automatically removed for seamless saving to the phone book. (165367)

  • Alerts correctly trigger when an expense has been signed. (174379)

  • An appropriate error message is shown when a user tries to import multiple predefined invoice items with the same reference. (190799)

  • Auto document actions correctly display when financial integrations are used. (208572)

  • Linked job group start and travel times correctly adjusted when job contacts amended. (220426)

  • Activities for jobs marked as financially complete are recorded for individual jobs, even when initiated from the group job level. (220702)

  • Alerts using the 'User Name' keyword now correctly display the name of the triggering user, instead of the alert creator's name. (222371)

  • Jobs with multiple auto document sending instances are correctly triggered. (224224)

  • Jobs scheduled through automation now correctly format dates. (224678)

  • Users are able to open the vehicle corresponding to user events entries. (229372)

  • Line items recalibrate correctly when a job, linked to a web user without financial permissions, is completed with 'parameter 153' enabled. (229665)

  • Predefined invoice item set name is correctly displayed in administration. (230587)

  • Sales opportunity alerts are correctly triggered. (230978)

  • Resource timesheet tab correctly displays distance units as either miles or kilometres dependant on user settings. (231243)

  • Importing jobs no longer resets contact and geofences. (232921)

  • Predefined invoice items correctly sort by 'Available on booking site'. (232953)

  • Job types that are archived are correctly no longer used in job group templates. (233058)

  • Contact specific files are correctly sent to devices. (233540)

  • Invoices created from a quotation now use the designated default template. (233927)

  • Enhanced error message appears when saving job alert text exceeding 900 characters. (234296)

  • ContactSave API method correctly applies Contact on Stop for sub contacts. (237369)

  • Resource correctly displayed in booking site when column is selected. (237849)

  • When generating an invoice from a quote, the payment terms from the contact or parent are now properly applied. (239619)