Release 23.09.1
November 28th, 2023 at 5:43 PM
23.09.1 is a point release and includes the following additions and changes.
Users will see these changes added to their system from 28th November onwards.
🚀 New
One-Click Sync for All Financial Documents
Say goodbye to tedious individual syncing!
Introducing a game-changing feature that lets you sync all your financial documents in one go.
Located within the financial documents list, you'll now spot a new icon next to the mass actions icons: "Sync All". This powerful tool uses the filtered list of documents and marks all ready to sync with Sage and Xero.
For our customers who generate invoices regularly due to contracts or recurring patterns, the end of the month no longer means the time-consuming task of sending each invoice to financial integrations. This mass action is set to save significant time for your financial teams.
A popup message will appear upon selecting the option, confirming the number of documents you're about to sync. Don't worry about errors or unapproved documents; they won't be synced until manually fixed or approved, ensuring a smooth integration process.
🔄 Changed
Users can drill into profitability dashboard data for enhanced visibility (250175).
Resources that assist with jobs are included in the resource utilisation dashboard. (224034).
🐞 Fixed
Dates in dashboards no longer include the 'Z' indicator, which appeared following an update of an external library. (250823)
Spelling has been updated in data tables contained in the sales opportunity dashboards. (251030)
Invoices created via the device use default payment terms. (253549)
Jobs are no longer sent to devices without mandatory answers being completed on both the booking site and back office. (255510)
Alerts for jobs due to start in 'x' hours no longer trigger when the job has been completed. (239982)
The signature keyword in Word templates correctly responds to the height and width parameters set. (165728)
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