Release 24.05.01

24.05.01 will be deployed to customers from 7th May 2024 onwards, with the following changes.

🔄 Changed

Reporting & Dashboards

  • Date filters have been relocated to the top of the job performance and individual WIP dashboards to enhance accessibility and speed when utilising them. (277178 & 280010)

  • The financial document report has been enhanced to incorporate job category filters and columns, facilitating enhanced data analysis. (271743)

🐞 Fixed


  • Invoices created by accepting the quote against a sales opportunity are now correctly linked. (281767)

Reports & Dashboards

  • Deleted notes are properly excluded from the customer service dashboard's 'count of notes by owner' section. (270608)

  • The contract report has been updated so credit notes are no longer treated as double negatives for calculations in the total revenue column. (266152)

  • Values in the sales opportunity pipeline report are now correctly updated when custom field filters are applied. (266228)


  • Alerts no longer trigger incorrectly for jobs completed by a contractor resource when the alert is set to trigger for a specific resource group, as contractors are not included in them. (263391)

Job Management

  • Filenames now contain keywords for invoices attached using auto document sending. (270397)

Automation & API

  • Users will be prompted to confirm whether they wish to archive a job type used in automations. Archiving the job type will result in the automation being removed. (274657)

  • Keywords are properly processed in child automations. (275306)

  • Predefined invoicing items added via job automation now inherit the child contact price list to maintain consistency with manually added predefined line items. (280219)